3 Day Notice to Vacate - Independent Rental Owners

  • List the first named tenant on your written lease agreement.
    If you are evicting one or more tenants but you have no lease agreement, you may list the tenants in any order.
  • List the second named tenant on the lease agreement.
    If you have more than 2 named tenants on your lease agreement, you will need to call our office at 817 659-2033 during regular business hours.
  • If there are multiple landlords listed on the lease, list only the first named landlord.
    If the landlord is a business, leave these fields blank.
  • Complete this field only if the named landlord on the written lease agreement is a business. If the landlord is an individual, leave this field blank.
  • Your Notice to Vacate will be delivered to this email address. This email address WILL NOT appear on the Notice to Vacate.
  • This is for our records. Your phone number will not appear on the Notice to Vacate.